Best UK Blog Hosting Sites 2022

Best UK Blog Hosting Sites

The best UK blog hosting sites are those that are easy to use, customizable to your liking and are not that expensive to maintain. The internet is flooded with a number of platforms that allow you to host your content and reach out to the masses, but not all platforms are designed for blog posts.

This article is a guide to help you choose the best blog hosting site to publish your work.

In my opinion, the best UK blog hosting sites are Wix and WordPress with Bluehost Hosting. They are customizable, ideal for beginners and come with a lot of features that enable you to start a blog hosting website in under fifteen minutes.

I will even cover other sites such as Squarespace, Medium and LinkedIn over the course of this guide. By the end, you will be able to decide which UK blog hosting website is best for you.

Best UK Blog Hosting Sites

The best UK blog hosting sites are Wix and WordPress with Bluehost. Both are easy to use, customizable and provide you blogging capabilities like no other. You can build your blog hosting site from scratch and you even have access to SEO features that will improve the ranking of your posts.

Apart from Wix and WordPress, here are some of the best UK blog hosting sites that i will recommend using.

Wix - (Best Blog Hosting Site for Beginners)

Best UK Blog Hosting Sites

Wix is without a doubt the best blog builder for beginners. It allows you to create a blog within minutes and is rather easy to use. 

This user-friendly platform provides you with step-by-step instructions for everything, from setting up your site to how to publish a blog post. Wix gives you the ability to choose an appropriate theme for your blog that you can choose from a list of categories.

There’s even an ADI builder that uses artificial intelligence to determine the kind of site you want to build. You will be presented with a handful of questions and the AI will use your answers to help create the blog site of your dreams.

The Wix blog manager is quite intuitive and comes with analytics and SEO capabilities built-in. It even allows you to add more elements to your posts such as, likes, comments, hashtags, social tools and more.

Best UK Blog Hosting Sites

You can access all the SEO features such as alt tags for images, internal links to titles and descriptions and even no follow tags for certain external links. There’s even an automatic email subscription feature that allows you to collect leads on your website without having to do much.

As I said earlier, you can create a post in under 15 minutes and that’s a fact. You will be able to create a blog post by simply clicking on Create a Post, write your content, add images and links and then publish it and the best part is that you can do all this not only on the website but on the mobile site as well.

Another great feature of Wix is that you can actually communicate with your readers when you’re using the app. This is great especially if you have built a community of loyal followers and would like to answer their questions real-time.


  • 14 day free trial
  • Drag and drop site builder
  • Integrated payment processing
  • 500+ templates

WordPress with Bluehost Hosting - (Most Customizable Blog Hosting Site)

Best UK Blog Hosting Sites

WordPress is by far the most popular website builder out there and it has managed to gain recognition because of its power and customizability. 

You can create any type of blog you want with WordPress and you have access to a range of tools and plugins that allow you to customize your site to your liking. With WordPress, you will need to buy a domain name, get website hosting and then finally set up your WordPress account. Right now, the best site host for WordPress is Bluehost as it’s not only the most popular out there but it is specifically tailored for WordPress.

Best UK Blog Hosting Sites

It might take a  little longer to build your website on WordPress, but the wait truly pays off. Compared to Wix, WordPress is much more customizable and you can have different plugins installed for different themes to make your website look and feel just the way you want it to.

WordPress is known for its ability to handle any kind of site out there. You can download a wide variety of plugins and widgets for your site and it even gives you the ability to change the code of your website. It’s open source so you can do with it as you please and if you have PHP knowledge, then you can customize your WordPress site however you want.


  • Single click WordPress installation
  • Easy to use, fast to set up
  • Integrated payment processing
  • 500+ templates
  • Prices start at £2.00 per month

Squarespace - (Best Blog Hosting Site for Boosting Sales)

Best UK Blog Hosting Sites

If you’re someone who is looking to make money from your blog posts, then Squarespace is the right one for you. It is a platform that allows your blog to serve as an extension of your ecommerce site. This all-in-one site builder  is ideal if you’re going to set up an ecommerce store and a blog at the same time. 

You will be able to use Squarespace’s ecommerce site builder to create individual product pages and then embed the same products within your blog posts allowing readers to easily read the blog post and purchase the product or service that’s listed without having to navigate to another page.

Best UK Blog Hosting Sites

If you have an ecommerce store already set up on another platform such as Shopify then you can easily link products from Shopify to your Squarespace blog post. You can even link other platforms like BigCommerce, WooCommerce and 3D cart, but the process would be less direct and you’d have to use third-party integrations such as Zapier or

There’s an easy to use visual editor in Squarespace that you can take advantage of and will help you easily build an appealing blog site. The only drawback with Squarespace is that you would have to shell out a bit to use both the ecommerce and blog capabilities.


  • Embed products in blog posts
  • Visual site builder
  • Free version + Premium
  • Sync with your web store

Medium - (Best Blog Hosting Site for Building an Audience)

Best UK Blog Hosting Sites

If you’re looking to reach out to more than 60 million users, then Medium is the way to go. You can use Medium to publish any type of content and you can rest assured that there’s a bunch of people out there who are interested in what you have to say.

Readers on Medium are provided with an estimate of how long each article will take to read and even has a robust built-in commenting system so you can keep in touch with your readers and clear any doubts or questions they may have.

Medium is super easy to use and there’s no editing required, basically what you see is what you get. All you would have to do is create a new post and begin typing, you will see what the finished post will look like as you’re writing your blog post.

Best UK Blog Hosting Sites

You can also create a Medium Publication that lets you add other writers and editors to be a part of your blog. You will also be able to control your blog homepage thanks to a number of  options and page settings that are available.

In my personal opinion, Medium is more like a fun blog hosting site and not for professional use as it lacks the brand building personality. Medium even lacks a customized URL and you will have to rely more on the built-in algorithm if you want to build an audience.


  • 60+ million users
  • Medium publication (collaborate with other writers)
  • Built-in comment system
  • Advanced algorithm to build an audience base

LinkedIn - (Best Blog Hosting Site for B2B Prospects)

Best UK Blog Hosting Sites

You all would know what LinkedIn is by now and would have used it at some point to reach out to potential clients or other professionals from the same line of business. But it’s more than just an outreach platform.

With LinkedIn you can reach out to over 590 million people with over 44% of them being active at any time during the month. It originally started off as a resume hosting platform , but it has drastically changed over the years.

Now, it’s more like a social media platform where your influence is gauged based on the number of connections you make and how many followers you attract.

Best UK Blog Hosting Sites

While using LinkedIn, it’s good to note that an article is not a post and a post is not an article. A post is basically a small update you share with your friends and connections say around 1300 characters or approximately 5 lines of text.

An article is longer and can be detailed which is something that would appeal to a larger section of the LinkedIn audience. A great thing about using LinkedIn as your blog hosting site is that it comes with its own course that teaches you how to blog like a pro on their platform.


  • B2B blogging site
  • 590+ million users
  • Create articles and short posts
  • User base is mainly working professionals

How to choose the best blog hosting site?

In order to choose the best blog hosting site, it's good to understand what your brand needs. There are a couple of key elements to look at before picking and investing in any blog hosting site.

  • Easy learning curve - As a new blogger, you would have to pick an easy to use platform. You will want something that's not going to burn you out and is fast. You will also need to check the speed of the platform and see whether your posts will load quickly. Keep in mind that you're looking for a blog hosting site that grants you the ability to create domain names, page customization and other features.
  • Niche-friendly customization - One of the most important decisions to make is the kind of topic you'd be writing about. Once you know that, you can choose a blog hosting site that allows you to customize pages based on the topics you are going to cover. Platforms like Wix and WordPress have all these options and more, so you can give them a go.
  • Readership growth - A good blogging platform will allow you to publish your work and grow your reader base. This is possible thanks to the SEO features and tools they come with. Make sure that if you're going to target a large section of people, that your blog hosting site comes with reasonable SEO capabilities.
  • Profit Potential - Ultimately, you will want to make some money from the blogs you post, so you will need the right platform in order to have a great impact on how much dough you can make from your articles. But you will have to note that all your work and possible profit potential depends on the Algorithm running and how much traffic it brings to your site.


Well, there you have it, the best UK blog hosting sites of this year are WordPress with Bluehost and Wix. These platforms will allow you to reach the right audience and even earn from your posts. You can use plugins and widgets to enhance what you publish and they're relatively cheaper to run as compared to other blog hosting sites.

If there are any questions, please feel free to drop a comment below.

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