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7 Reasons Why You HAVE TO Take Notes When Reading a Book

Are you an avid book reader? If so, the question which you will often come across is, should I take notes when reading a book? Today, I will share with you the answer to this question. Along...


7 Reasons Why Books Have Margins (Can You Write on Them?)

Since kindergarten, we all have been taught to avoid writing on the red margins. And as an adult, the only time you cross these margins is when you have to write a long word, and you can't fit...


How are Books Made (Step-by-Step)

Books have existed since the early years of human civilization. Historians trace the origin of written literature way back to 3000 BCE when the ancient Egyptians used papyrus scrolls. Over the...

how audiobooks are made

How Audiobooks Are Made (Step-by-Step)

Reading can be really tiring sometimes, right? Yet you stay awake to read those tiny little letters in the novel with the curiosity to know what will happen next! But with audiobooks, you ...


3 Real Reasons Why People Don’t Read Books these days

Despite numerous benefits of reading books, the overall percentage of people who read books is decreasing. The majority comprises of people who don't read books. This brings us to the essential...


Books or Articles? Which is Better for You?

Are you an avid reader? If so, you will, of course, have the question, is it better to read books or articles? Today, I will compare reading books vs articles. Once you go through the articl...