Is iPhone 12 Made in India

iPhone 12 India Price and Release Date

With the next generation of Apple iPhones due for release sometime within the next few months, tech-giant Apple is likely to be hard at work to produce yet another revolutionary product from their premier line of smartphones.

However, with the unexpected problems and obstacles brought about by the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic, production and development have most likely had to endure some setbacks. Check out our iPhone 12 India Price and Release Date article for all the details.

Although the iPhone 12 is definitely on its way to the Indian market, all available information, from specs, to pricing, to even the release date is currently pure speculation based on inside information and production leaks. With the launch of the iOS 14, Apple Watch 6 and other revolutionary tech, Apple is certainly doing a lot this year.

Since Apple has yet to confirm or deny anything regarding the iPhone 12 launch, in an official press release. We at Stupid Apple Rumors have taken the liberty to compile all the credible information regarding the device including the design and tech specs.

So read on to find what we know so far about the iPhone 12 and its variants, as well as what we’re most likely to see when the product finally launches. Here's the iPhone 12 India Price and Release Date.

iPhone 12 made in India - A rumor

The answer is a resounding ‘no’. Though the government of India is pushing hard for the Make in India initiative, the new iPhone 12 is not being made in India as of yet. This could be due to numerous factors such as the availability of skilled labor, facilities and resources needed for assembling the phone and of course the cost of production.

What this means for the Indian consumer is, unfortunately, a higher price tag for the iPhone 12. This is due to the cost of importing the device from Apple’s Chinese suppliers, coupled with the cost of taxes and duties the device attracts for being imported into India.

However, there may still be hope for Indians looking to purchase the latest iPhone 12 at a more affordable price point. Indian mobile phone manufacturers such as Micromax, Intex and Karbonn have started to roll out their own flagship models at much cheaper rates than Apple’s latest release. These devices are equipped with features similar to the iPhone 12 and, in some cases, may even outperform Apple’s device in terms of performance and hardware.

It remains to be seen if Apple will ever manufacture the iPhone 12 in India. If the government of India feeds into the initiative, then we may see the dream of iPhone production in India become a reality in the near future. Granted, we want the best phones with the highest performance, but if these devices become accessible to the everyday man in India at an affordable rate, people will no doubt opt for an Indian made iPhone.

Until then, Indians will have to be content with purchasing their iPhone 12 online or at the store, know that their purchase will have come with a (slightly) inflated price tag due to both import and other related costs.

Check out: Will iPhone made in INDIA in future?

iPhone 12 India Price and Release Date

iPhone 12 Variants and Pricing Leaks

Just like with previous iPhone generations, the iPhone 12 is expected to come in four variants - the iPhone 12, the iPhone 12 Pro, the iPhone 12 Pro Max, and the iPhone 12 Max.

  • Based on this naming system alone, we can expect the iPhone 12 to be the base model, the 12 Max to feature similar specs to the base model but with a larger screen, and the 12 Pro and 12 Pro Max to feature higher-end internals and better performance just like with previous Pro variants.
  • This claim is supported by leaks from Jon Prosser a tech analyst with Front Page Tech, whose production leaks on the iPhone SE and MacBook Pro 13 were consistently on the mark.
  • Last month, he tweeted the following image showcasing prototype images for the iPhone 12 and its variants:
Image from Jon Prosser at Front Page Tech

iPhone 12 (128GB, 256GB)

According to the leaks provided by Jon Prosser, the base model of the iPhone 12 will feature an aluminum body and a 5.4-inch display.

  • The design also shows a smaller notch than what we saw on the iPhone 11 line of smartphones, which is great since that was one of the most criticized features of last year’s design.
  • The leak also shows that it’ll come with two cameras just like the base iPhone 11, but now with the new A14 chip and 5G capability.

The base iPhone 12 is expected to come in two internal storage options, 128GB at an expected price tag of Rs 49,000 ($649), and 256GB at an expected price tag of Rs 56,500 ($749).

iPhone 12 Max (128GB, 256GB)

A larger version of the base model, the iPhone 12 Max looks like it comes with a larger 6'1-inch display.

  • However, it does seem to have the same smaller notch, aluminium body, and internals as the base iPhone 12.
  • Based on the leak, it’ll most likely come with the same two cameras, as well as the new A14 chip and 5G capability.

Similar to the base iPhone 12, the iPhone 12 Max is expected to come in two internal storage options, with the 128GB expected at Rs 56,500 ($749) and the 256GB expected at Rs 64,100 ($849).

iPhone 12 Pro (128GB, 256GB, 512GB)

Just like with last year’s iPhone 11, the Pro version is likely to offer higher-end internals and performance over the base model.

  • The iPhone 12 Pro comes with a 6.1-inch display and a smaller notch, so it’ll be the same size and form factor as the iPhone 12 Max, but this time with a Stainless Steel body and three cameras instead with the addition of LiDAR technology.
  • Like the other iPhone 12 variants, the 12 Pro is set to come with the A14 chip and 5G capability.

With its more powerful internals and extra features, the iPhone 12 Pro is expected to come in three internal storage options - the 128GB model at Rs 75,400 ($999), the 256GB model at Rs 83,000 ($1,099), and the 512GB at Rs 98,100 ($1,299).

iPhone 12 Pro Max (128GB, 256GB, 512GB)

The largest variant of the iPhone 12, the 12 Pro Max is a larger handset with a 6.7-inch display.

  • Just like the expected 12 Pro, the 12 Pro Max will come with a Stainless Steel body and likely the same internals and the same three-camera setup
  • Of course, you can also expect the powerful new A14 chip, 5G capabilities, and LiDAR. 

The priciest of the bunch, the iPhone 12 Pro Max is expected to also be available in three internal storage options - 128GB at Rs 83,000 ($1,099), 256GB at Rs 90,500 ($1,199), and 512GB at Rs 105,700 ($1,399).

Information regarding pricing and available storage options are also based off of production leaks from Jon Prosser, which we incorporated into the variant descriptions above.

  • While Prosser’s information points to the fact that the base iPhone 12 model and the 12 Max model will only have two cameras compared to the 12 Pro and 12 Pro Max.

Other sources suggest that all four variants will have a three-camera setup, with the difference most likely being the inclusion of LiDAR technology on the Pro variants.

iPhone 12 Design Leaks

Image from JIN Official Twitter

As mentioned above, one of the big design features to look out for in the upcoming line of Apple iPhones is the smaller notch compared to the iPhone 11.

  • This comes as no surprise since a lot of people complained about the large notch on the iPhone 11 taking up a lot more screen real-estate than was necessary.
  • With the iPhone 12, it seems that Apple hopes to build upon that design flaw by making the notch smaller and less obtrusive. 

Another design factor for the iPhone 12, as leaked by numerous sources, is that it will feature sharper and less-rounded edges than the previous generation. It will feature a design language that similar to the flat-edge design of much older iPhones.

iPhone 12 Tech Specs Leaks

Image from EverythingApplePro

While everyone’s expecting the iPhone 12s to come with the latest, fastest, and most powerful A14 chip and 5G-enabled connectivity, Some sources have provided the internet with a much more in-depth look at what we can expect from the Apple iPhone 12.

According to sources who spoke with BGR India, the iPhone 12 models will come with a variety of display and memory options.

  • Basically, it is believed that the base iPhone and the iPhone Max will come with BOE OLED Super Retina Displays (5.7-inch and 6.1-inch displays, respectively) with 4GB of RAM built-in.
  • The higher-end 12 Pro and 12 Pro Max variants, on the other hand, are expected to come with 6.1-inch and 6.7-inch Samsung OLED Super Retina XDR Displays, complete with 10-bit colour depth.
  • The Pro variants are also assumed to be equipped with 6GB RAM over the base 4GB, with their camera setups further improved with the inclusion of LiDAR sensors.

Sources from India Today also suggest that the iPhone 12 Pro variants will come with 120Hz ProMotion display for dynamic refresh rates between 60Hz and 120Hz. The same sources also claim that all variants of the iPhone 12 will be getting larger batteries up to 4,400 mAh.

iPhone 12 India Price and Release Date - Release Date Leaks

There has been a lot of speculation regarding the iPhone 12’s release date, so here’s the latest news regarding production.

As verified by tech insiders Ross Young from Samsung, and Jon Prosser from Front Page Tech, sources indicate that the iPhone 12 release date will be later than expected due to the problems brought about by COVID-19.

Although that information in itself is unsurprising, here are some the details regarding the iPhone 12 release:

  • Sources from BGR India say that Apple is scheduled to complete its EVT (Engineering Validation and Testing) for the new iPhones at the end of June 2020. After that, Apple should begin production in July, but that’s extremely optimistic.
  • Other sources say that a October release is imminent, although even Jon Prosser himself has informed several news outlets that even a much later release in October isn’t guaranteed.
  • With all of the unpredictable variables brought about by the current COVID-19 pandemic, it’s understandable as to why we can’t get a straight answer regarding the release. However, with Apple’s dedication to its fans and customers, we can rest assured that they’re doing everything they can to get this product out before the end of the year.

If you’re looking for something a little more definitive, then based on our research, it’s highly likely that Apple will launch the iPhone 12 by October and will hit the Indian Markets by the end of Q1 of 2021, but as we said, at this point, the only thing that’s certain is that it’s coming. We just hope it’s sooner rather than later.

According to Tech Analyst Jon Prosser, Apple will start the pre-orders for the iPhone 12 on October 12 and shipping will start the week after that on October 19. The iPhone 12 Pro Is expected to hit the shelves in November.

However, this is only with respect to the western world. The iPhone 12 might take a bit longer to come to India. Especially since Apple, is planning on manufacturing it locally.

iPhone 12: Made in India?

The iPhone 12 is expected to be manufactured locally in India to cater to the Indian market. Taiwanese contract manufacturer Wistron will be running point and will invest around 2900 crores in a facility in Bengaluru to Ramp up the production. So, users can ideally expect to see it late Q1 or early Q2.

Wistron has reported that the hiring process is underway and has commenced manufacturing trials. The iPhone 12 will be the 7th phone to manufactured in the country. So, Apple is quite used to the process and can therefore fast track it.

What is the release date for iPhone 12 in India?

Initially, based on speculation and comparing the launch dates from previous years the iPhone 12 was expected to launch on July 24.

However, due to the Covid-19 global pandemic, the launch date has been postponed. As for specifically when? based on research and rumours, it is highly likely the iPhone 12 will hit markets by October.

However, it might take till the mid of 2021 to hit the Indian Markets. Check out our iPhone 12 India Price and Release Date article for all the details.

Should I buy iPhone 11 or wait for 12?

If we weren't in such unpredictable times, I would say wait for iPhone 12 as it's definitely going to be a game changer.

However, considering the current state of affairs and if you can't wait for a good 3-5 months then, by all means, go for the iPhone 11. Check out our iPhone 12 India Price and Release Date article for all the details.

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