Apple’s AR Glass Delayed Due to Design Issues | Prototype to Be Ready by 2024

Apple's AR Glass Delayed

Apple is about to launch their new AR/VR headsets in the first quarter of 2023, but it is the development of the AR glass that has hit a few snags and reports suggest that it could be delayed from 2024 to 2026 due to issues with the design.

AR Glass Delayed to 2025 or 2026 Due to Design Issues

According to a recent report on MarketWatch, Jeff Pu, a tech research analyst with Haitong International, predicted that Apple may delay the production of the AR glass by 2 years due to flaws in the design.

Pu had previously stated that Apple would have the prototype of the AR glass ready by the end of 2022 and mass production would most likely commence by 2024. 

However, his new prediction comes after Apple hit a few snags in the implementation of the design.

“We now expect the AR Glass to be postponed to 2025-2026, due to design issues”

Jeff Pu, in an email to MarketWatch

According to rumors, Apple is planning to adopt waveguide technology by sampling Corning and Hoya glass, but due to the recent setback it could be long before we can see an actual working AR glass.

Apple's AR Glass Delayed
Apple AR Glass Patent Design

Back in 2021, Ming-Chi Kuo also gave a similar prediction where he felt that Apple will release glasses with AR capabilities as early as 2025 and that several prototypes are already in the pipeline.

“"We predict that Apple's MR/AR product roadmap includes three phases: helmet type by 2022, glasses type by 2025, and contact lens type by 2030–2040, we foresee that the helmet product will provide AR and VR experiences, while glasses and contact lens types of products are more likely to focus on AR applications." wrote Kuo. 

In a recent interview with Dutch media outlet, Bright, Tim Cook described AR as a profound technology that will affect everything.

Unlike Apple’s AR/VR headset that’s set to launch in a couple of months, the AR glass is a device that’s rumored to be 100% focused on augmented reality and could possibly replace the iPhone in the next 10 years according to analysts.

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