Will Apple Watch Count Steps if in Pocket? | Complete Guide 2024

Will Apple Watch Count Steps if in Pocket

The Apple Watch is a popular wearable device that offers various features to track your fitness activities.

One of the primary functions of the Apple Watch is to count your daily steps, which is an essential metric to monitor your physical activity level.

Many users wonder whether the Apple Watch will count steps if it is in your pocket.

The answer is yes; the Apple Watch can count your steps even if it is in your pocket. The device uses advanced sensors and algorithms to track your movements accurately, regardless of where you wear it. The accelerometer in the Apple Watch measures your movements and detects the pattern of your steps. The device then calculates the distance and calories burned based on the number of steps you take.

The only drawback however is that the steps calculated by the Apple Watch when it's in the pocket will not be as accurate as when the Watch is worn.

Read on to find out all there is to know about how the Apple Watch counts steps.

Will Apple Watch Count Steps if in Pocket

Will Apple Watch Count Steps If It's In My Pocket?

To know if the Apple Watch counts steps in the pocket, you need to know how it works first. Apple Watch uses an Accelerometer sensor to count steps and to track activity.

The GPS sensor inside the Apple Watch also provides additional information allowing it to verify results of activity tracking and steps counted.

Will Apple Watch Count Steps if in Pocket

The Accelerometer sensor counts steps by tracking your movement, it can track motion in any direction, so if it senses any kind of movement, the Accelerometer starts collecting data for steps. GPS on the other hand looks at distance data and more to verify the count of steps.

Both the Accelerometer and GPS work in tandem to provide data that is as accurate as possible. Apple Watch also factors in data like height, weight, and more to calculate steps and distance traveled.

Will Apple Watch Count Steps if in Pocket
Accelerometer sensor counts steps by tracking your movement

All this works as expected when you have the watch attached to your wrist, but will Apple Watch count steps if in pocket?

The answer is yes, but it depends on a few factors such as the type of activity you're doing, the position of the watch in your pocket, and the model of the Apple Watch you have.

  • Types of Activity: The Apple Watch uses a built-in accelerometer to track your steps and other movements. However, it's important to note that the watch is most accurate when it's on your wrist and able to detect your arm swing.
    • If you're walking or running with your arms swinging naturally, the watch will likely count your steps accurately, even if it's in your pocket.
    • But if you're doing other activities, such as cycling, weightlifting, or swimming, the watch may not be as accurate when it's in your pocket.
Will Apple Watch Count Steps if in Pocket
  • Types of Activity
    • Position of Watch: The position of your watch in your pocket also affects its ability to track your steps. If the watch is loose in your pocket, it may move around and not register every step you take.
      • It's best to have a snug fit so that the watch stays in place as you move. Additionally, it's important to make sure the watch is positioned with the face of the watch facing towards your body, as this will help ensure the best accuracy.
    • Apple Watch Model: The Apple Watch has come a long way in terms of accuracy and functionality. Newer models, such as the Apple Watch Series 7 and 8, are equipped with an always-on altimeter that can accurately measure your elevation changes, whether you're climbing stairs or hiking up a mountain.
      • This feature helps improve the watch's accuracy even if it's in your pocket.
    Will Apple Watch Count Steps if in Pocket
  • Apple Watch Model
    • Calibration: To get the most accurate step count, you should calibrate your Apple Watch. This involves setting your stride length, which the watch uses to calculate the distance you've traveled.
      • To do this, go to the Apple Watch app on your iPhone, select "My Watch," then "Workout," and finally "Outdoor Walk or Run." Follow the prompts to calibrate your watch, and make sure to walk or run at your natural pace while doing so.
    • Other Factors: Finally, it's important to note that other factors can affect the accuracy of the Apple Watch's step count.
      • For example, if you're wearing loose clothing, such as a baggy sweatshirt or pants, the watch may not be able to detect your movements as well.
      • Similarly, if you're walking on a soft surface, such as a carpet, the watch may not be able to pick up your steps as easily.

    The accuracy will be a bit off because the watch is calibrated to work best when you have it on your wrist, but it will get the job done fairly well even if the watch is in your pocket.

    Having your GPS on when walking or moving will improve accuracy. So make sure to have your GPS on when you are doing any activity or moving.

    Do Apple Watch and iPhone Duplicate Counted Steps?

    Apple Watch and iPhone both have the capability to track your daily steps, which can be synced and viewed through the Health app.

    However, a common question that arises is whether steps taken on an Apple Watch and an iPhone are duplicated in the step count.

    The short answer is no, Apple Watch and iPhone do not duplicate counted steps. While both devices have the capability to track steps, they use different sensors and algorithms to calculate step count.

    The Apple Watch uses a built-in accelerometer to track your movement and determine whether you are walking or running. It also uses the heart rate sensor to detect when you are exercising and adjusts the step count accordingly.

    Will Apple Watch Count Steps if in Pocket

    The accelerometer measures your wrist movement and the g-forces created by your movement to determine the number of steps taken.

    On the other hand, the iPhone also uses an accelerometer to track steps, but it primarily relies on GPS and Wi-Fi signals to track your movement.

    Because the Apple Watch and iPhone use different sensors and algorithms to track steps, they should not duplicate counted steps.

    Why are Steps on Apple Watch Different from iPhone?

    Now that you know that the iPhone can also count steps, is it any good at it?

    If anyone has used both the iPhone and Apple Watch to count steps, then you would have noticed some difference between the data from both.

    Apple Watch and iPhone are two different devices with distinct hardware and software components that cater to different needs and purposes.

    As such, the steps recorded on the Apple Watch may differ from those recorded on the iPhone due to several reasons. Here are some of them:

    Different Sensors

    The Apple Watch and iPhone use different sensors to track steps. While the iPhone relies on its built-in accelerometer to measure steps, the Apple Watch uses a combination of accelerometer and gyroscope to provide more accurate step tracking data.

    The gyroscope in the Apple Watch helps to detect the orientation of the device, allowing it to differentiate between steps taken and other forms of movements, such as arm swings.

    Wearing Location

    Will Apple Watch Count Steps if in Pocket
    Wear the Watch on your wrist

    The location of the device can affect the accuracy of step tracking. The Apple Watch is worn on the wrist, which is closer to the body's center of gravity and provides a more accurate representation of step counts.

    Conversely, the iPhone can be kept in various places, such as pockets or bags, which can affect the accuracy of the step count. For instance, carrying the iPhone in a bag can result in fewer steps recorded, while carrying it in a pocket can lead to more steps being recorded.


    Will Apple Watch Count Steps if in Pocket
    Make sure it's calibrated

    The Apple Watch is calibrated to the user's stride length and gait, which is determined during setup. This calibration process ensures that the step count is more accurate and tailored to the user's walking habits.

    On the other hand, the iPhone's step tracking relies on a standardized calibration based on an average stride length, which may not be as accurate for some users.

    Activity App

    Will Apple Watch Count Steps if in Pocket
    Apple Watch Activity App

    The Apple Watch and iPhone use different activity apps to record and display step counts. While both apps track steps, they may display different step counts due to the differences in sensors, calibration, and wearing location.

    The Activity app on the Apple Watch provides more detailed information, such as hourly movement and exercise tracking, which is not available on the iPhone's Health app.

    Fitness Goals

    Finally, the Apple Watch and iPhone are designed for different fitness goals. The Apple Watch is primarily aimed at encouraging users to stay active and achieve daily fitness goals.

    As such, the step count on the Apple Watch is more prominently displayed, with daily progress reminders and personalized coaching.

    The iPhone's Health app, on the other hand, provides a broader overview of the user's health and fitness data, including step counts, but it's not specifically focused on fitness goals.

    Is the Step Counter on the Apple Watch Accurate?

    The step counter on the Apple Watch is one of the most accurate step counters you can find across any smartwatch.

    You need to keep a few things in mind like wearing the watch on your wrist, enabling GPS, and Fitness Tracking on your iPhone.

    Will Apple Watch Count Steps if in Pocket
    Apple Watch Step Counter Accuracy

    You also need to make sure that your Apple Watch is calibrated properly to get the most accurate results.

    • To calibrate your Apple Watch, make sure that the watch is attached properly to your wrists and then hold your iPhone in one hand and enable GPS.
    • Now open the workout app and start walking at your usual pace for about 20 minutes.

    This will calibrate your Apple Watch and improve the accuracy of activity tracking including step counting.

    Can you Wear an Apple Watch somewhere other than your Wrist?

    The Apple Watch is an excellent device for activity tracking and since it’s a watch you need to wear it on your wrist.

    But in some jobs like nursing and certain situations you might not be able to wear it on your wrist, so you might want to wear it somewhere else so that you can get your activity and steps counted.

    Will Apple Watch Count Steps if in Pocket

    You can also place your Apple Watch in your pocket and it will track activities like walking and more but it will be less accurate.

    The best alternative to truly wear your Apple watch somewhere other than your wrist would be to wear it above your elbow, on your bicep. You can find some good armbands here.

    Wearing your Apple Watch on your arm allows for decent tracking (not as good as the wrist), while also being comfortable and convenient, so you can focus on your work.

    You can also wear your Apple Watch on your ankle and it will work, but the tracking accuracy won’t be great.

    Will the Apple Watch Count Steps Without an iPhone?

    Once your AppleWatch is paired and set up with your iPhone, it doesn’t need the iPhone to do tasks like activity tracking, playing music, displaying photos, and more.

    The list of things an Apple Watch can do without an iPhone depends on the model.

    Will Apple Watch Count Steps if in Pocket

    So yes, Apple Watch will be able to count steps without an iPhone. It will store this data for 30 days before deleting it. So make sure to connect with your iPhone to upload and save your data.

    The watch will also track your sleep, blood oxygen levels, calories, and more along with the steps, so it is fully functional when it comes to activity tracking even without your iPhone.

    Can Apple Watch track steps when hands are in the pocket?

    Yes, Apple Watch can track steps if your hands are in your pocket. But the tracked steps won't be as accurate as when your hands were in motion.

    This is because Apple Watch relies on the accelerometer to count steps, which works effectively only when it can detect your hand motion.

    If your hands are in your pocket, they won't be moving a lot so the results may be a bit skewed.

    Can Apple Watch count steps while pushing a stroller?

    Yes, Apple Watch will be able to track steps if you are pushing a baby stroller or a shopping cart. But like when it is in your pocket or bag, the tracked data won't be accurate.

    In such cases, wearing the Apple Watch on your ankle will help, as the accelerometer will be able to read your leg movements. Be sure to calibrate it before use.

    Does your arm have to move for Apple Watch to count steps?

    No, Apple Watch can count steps even if you are not moving your arms, but it won't be as accurate as when you are moving your arms.

    This is because Apple Watch uses an accelerometer to count steps and the sensor works based on movement to estimate the number of steps.

    So not moving your arms could lead to inaccurate measurements of steps.


    Apple Watch is one of the best if not the best smartwatch you can get right now. It looks great, is powerful, and versatile. It features some of the best sensors that allow it to track and record data like heartbeat, blood oxygen level, step counts, and more.

    does apple watch count walking in place

    Apple Watch works best when strapped to your wrist, but you can also wear it on your arm or ankle but the results you get won’t be so accurate. If you don't want to wear the watch at all then you can just chuck it in your pocket.

    And the answer to the question, will Apple Watch count steps if in the pocket is yes, it will but it won’t be as accurate as when you have it strapped to your wrist. This is because the Apple Watch is designed and developed to work when it is on your wrist.

    In any case, the Apple Watch can count steps in the pocket, work without an iPhone, work together with your iPhone, and more. This article covers it all and I hope you learned some new tricks.

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